Pancreatic Cancer Action Network stages poignant vigil in Avondale Park


The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network in Birmingham gathered in Avondale Park this month to honor survivors and remember far too many that we’ve lost to this disease. The sea of purple T-shirts and glow sticks offered at least a glimpse of how many people have been affected by this disease. But we know there are many, many more who weren’t able to be there.

If you have had pancreatic cancer, have a family member with pancreatic cancer, or lost someone to pancreatic cancer, PanCAN is a great way to connect to others who’ve been impacted by this disease. The organization offers support but also is involved in important advocacy work. Its worthy goal: to double pancreatic survival by 2020.

That’s a target worth shooting for!

We can all join PanCAN in its effort to Wage Hope.